
Welcome to my blog!

I have been wanting to set up a very simple, fun, light-and-fluffy blog/journal for a long time ...

I'm a full time MOM (aka maid, chef, tutor, nurse, AND MORE!), as well as a 9-5 school district employee.  Sometimes it seems as though my days dissolve into a fantastic blur of colour, sound and chaos - most of which I can't remember! Carliflower (a nickname of mine when I was a kid/teenager) was created so that I can document my life ... my daily activities & events, my interests, my obsessions, my likes & loves.  

This blog is a place for me to be me. A place where I can appreciate the little things and celebrate the big things. And, if anyone reads this and gets some enjoyment out of it ... it'll be the icing on my bloggy cake.

Cheers and love,


PS: I love my family, fashion and things that sparkle ... expect lots of the aforementioned in this blog. Also, I make up words. You've been warned.