Pounding headache. Sore throat. Sinus pain. Fever. Check, check, check and check.

It's confirmed ... I have my annual Holiday Cold/Flu. 

I thought I had escaped this ugly annual visitor because I was feeling healthy the week leading up to Christmas. Then - WHAM! - Christmas evening I started feeling warm and lethargic. Attempting to be optimistic, I convinced myself that I  was just experiencing tiredness after all the Christmas chaos. I was so wrong.

As you can see from my photo above, I have Halls (my go-to whenever I have a sore or scratchy throat), and Kleenex. What you don't see is my drugs (legal ones, I swear!), my orange juice, ginger ale, blankets & pillows. 

Do you get an annual Holiday Cold or Flu? How do you beat the nasty symptoms?

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